Biography of Matteo Salvini

Biography of Matteo Salvini

League leader since 2013.

Name Matteo Salvini
Parents Ettore Salvini
Political parties Lombard League, We with Salvini, Northern League
Spouse Fabrizia Ieluzzi (2003-2010)
Couples Giulia Martinelli (2011-2014), Elisa Isoardi (2015-2018), Francesca Verdini
Children Federico, Mirta
Height 6'0“ ft


Ettore Salvini, a businessman, and a German-speaking interpreter mother were his parents. He grew up in a middle-class family and developed an interest in politics at a very young age.

When he was 15 years old teenager, he won Das Doppelte Lottchen by taking part in the television show for about nine hundred thousand liras.


He attended Liceo Classico Alessandro Manzoni in Milan and then joined Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Milan but later shifted to Faculty of Letters with specialization in Historical Sciences the following year.

In his first university year, he worked at Burghy fast food chain to pay for his studies and holidays. Without completing his degree on political science that lasted twelve years after quitting university only when five exams were remaining.

Beginning of his professional career:

Matteo Salvini started working as a journalist at La Padania which is the official newspaper for Lega Nord. He has also been director of Radio Padania Libera.

Northern League:

Since 1990, as a member of Lega Nord party, Matteo began climbing the party ladder very fast. Among other offices, he was elected city councilor in Milan (1993-1997; 1999-2012; 2016-2018), MEP (2004-2006; 2009-2018) and twice deputy (2008; 2013) although resigned to continue as MEPs. He was also senator in 2018 and another one would be elected two years later.

Salvini became federal secretary of Northern League in December 2013 and retained this position during re-election in May 2017 changing its ideology from secessionist movement called Padania towards nationalist xenophobic Eurospeticism.

During these elections held on March 4th The League turned out to be third largest party whereas it became virtually the first within the center-right coalition with Salvini being elected senator.

Minister of the Interior:

He merged Northern League and a new party League for Premier Salvini in 2018, removing “North” from their emblem. Following the 2018 election, Minister of Internal Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister in Conte I government concluded an agreement with the Five Star Movement which collapsed next year. As a result, he closed Italian ports to rescue ships while deporting illegal migrants as part of his tenure marked by controversies that attracted severe criticism both inside and outside Italy.

The league entered into national unity government after formation of Draghi cabinet, but it did not give any definite position for Salvini either.

Vice President of the Council of Ministers:

On October 22nd, 2022 at Quirinal Palace Salvini had taken office as Infrastructure and Transport Minister while also becoming Vice-Premier under Giorgia Meloni government.


Salvini’s ideologies include strong nationalism on one hand Euro-skepticism on another one and anti-immigration policy which is rigid. Through his career, Matteo has advocated for strict border controls policies tax cuts, security concern and public order. His speeches are typically centered on safeguarding Italian cultural identity as well as national sovereignty by castigating European union influence alongside porous immigration practices.

Private life:

He was married to journalist Fabrizia Ieluzzi and had a child named Federico who was born on April 3rd ,2003. Moreover he has another daughter Mirta (from Giulia Marinelli) who was born in December 2012 after they divorced.

Between 2015 and 2018 he was dating with Elisa Isoardi. In 2019 he started a relationship with Francesca Verdini, who is the daughter of the Italian politician Denis Verdini.

In addition to his political career, Salvini loves football (he’s an AC Milan fan) and listens to Italian music a lot.


Salvini is a leading Italian politician who became known for his leadership of the Northern league, which changed under him from being originally about regional autonomy in Northern Italy to being a nationalist and sovereignist movement. Throughout his career, he has pursued policies of tight border controls, lower taxes as well as order and security orientation.

Did you know...

Matteo Salvini enjoys listening to Italian music especially Fabrizio De André’s works known for their poetic nature and sociopolitical undertones.


Vice President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic
Since 22 October 20221?
Together with
Antonio Tajani
Prime Minister
Giorgia Meloni

June 1, 2018-September 5, 2019
Together with
Luigi Di Maio
Prime Minister
Giuseppe Conte
Angelino Alfano

Minister of Infrastructure and Transport of Italy
From October 22, 2022
Prime Minister
Giorgia Meloni
Enrico Giovannini

Federal Secretary of the League
From December 15, 2022 13
Umberto Bossi
Roberto Maroni

Minister of the Interior of Italy
June 1, 2018 - September 5, 2019
Prime Minister
Giuseppe Conte
Marco Minniti
Luciana Lamorgese

Member of the European Parliament for North-Western Italy
July 14, 2009 - March 22, 2018
July 20, 2004 - November 7, 2006

Deputy ado of the Italian Republic for Lombardy
29 April 2008 - 13 July 2009

Senator of the Italian Republic for Calabria
Since 23 March 2018


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