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Admin of Biographies Pro

Member since Jul 12, 2024 [email protected]

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Paula Arenas Biography

Colombian singer and considered one of the most outstanding Colombian singers of her generation. Let's read Paula Arena's family, ...

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Andrés Ojeda Biography

Lawyer, politician and candidate for the presidency of Uruguay for the 2024 elections. Let’s read about the Andres Ojeda family, e...

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Emma Navarro Biography

One of the most outstanding American tennis players of her generation. Let’s read about Emma Navarro family, education, career and...

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Jay-Z Biography

American businessman, rapper & Hip-hop's first billionaire. Let’s read about the Jay-Z family, education, career and private life....

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Franco Colapinto Biography

Considered one of the most promising Argentine drivers of his generation. Let’s read about the Franco Colapinto family,career, ach...

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Oscar Piastri Biography

Australian F1 driver & Considered one of the most outstanding driver of his generation. Let's read about the Oscar's Piastri famil...

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Ester Expósito Biography

Spanish actress Known for her role as Carla Rosón in Élite. Let’s read about the Ester family, education, career, movies and priva...

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Anitta Biography

Brazilian singer, considered the greatest exponent of carioca funk. Let’s read about Anitta family, education, career and relation...

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Bad Gyal Biograohy

Pioneer in the fusion of dancehall, trap and pop in Spanish. Let’s read about theBad Gyal family, education, career and private l...

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Madonna Biography

American actress, singer & One of the most influential in the entertainment industry. Let’s read about the Madonna family, educati...

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Katy Perry Biography

One of the best selling pop American singers. Let’s read about Katy Perry's family, education, albums and private life.

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Francis Ford Coppola Biography

One of the most influential American directors of the 20th century. Let’s read about the family, education, career and private lif...

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